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This year’s Police Exhibition at the Perth Royal Show is shaping up to be bigger than ever, make sure you drop in to say hello and take a walk through of the Forensics tunnel to have a go at the fingerprint machine.

There will be a number of policing units in attendance as well as a display of drones, operational and training equipment and bomb robots. Water Police, Police Air Wing, Canine Section, Mounted Section, Forensics and the Serious & Organised Crime Division will be in the Pavilion to answer any questions you may have and to provide real-life experiences.

Constable Care will be back with their puppet show running at different times throughout the day. The popular photo opportunity with a police motorbike is also back in support of WA Police Legacy.

If you are considering a career change and interested in becoming a police officer, Police Recruiting will be there over the full eight days to speak with all potential recruits and offer any insight into becoming a police officer.

We look forward to seeing you there!