Custody Support
Custody Support Officers help support Police Officers with the safe admission, custody and release of detainees at the Perth Watch House or station lockups.
If you meet the requirements apply today.
You must be aged 17 or over, be an Australian or New Zealand Citizen or Permanent Resident of Australia, hold a current Drivers Licence with no more than eight demerit points and be physically and psychologically capable.
We will confirm the status of your application in two weeks upon submission. You will then go on to testing and interviews across three to four months to ensure you meet the criteria.
Successful applicants will undertake eight weeks of training at the WA Police Academy, followed by a further four weeks on the job training at the Perth Watch House.
Custody Support Officers will be supported, guided and mentored to learn all elements of the job to ensure you become the best Police Auxiliary Officer possible.
Visit our FAQ page to have all your questions answered.