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It's not just a job; it's a career where you can serve your community in a meaningful and impactful way. As a police officer, you'll be at the forefront of ensuring safety, upholding justice, and fostering trust within your community.

Probationary Constable Milhem exemplifies the diverse stories that our officers carry with them each day on the job. ā€œIā€™m 23 years old. I was a refugee my whole life. We had to move to eight different countries before arriving to Australia. Police officers continually helped us out throughout all eight countries. I have always looked up to them.ā€

Whether you're fluent in multiple languages, have a deep understanding of cultural nuances, or simply want to keep your community safe, there's a place for you in the blue family.

CaLD Campaign

Join us in building a police force that truly reflects the diversity and richness of Western Australia.

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