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The WA Police Force is looking for Aboriginal recruits and cadets.

Acting Senior Sergeant Nathan Hansen and Probationary Constable Ashlee Ryder recently shared their journeys of joining the Force on Noongar Radio 100.9fm alongside host Jeff Michael.

Acting Senior Sergeant Hansen reflected on the joys and challenges of his career, emphasising the importance of a supportive team.

“I was inspired to join the WA Police Force as I wanted to make a change from within and help people. Seeing the result of helping people is the joy of the job.”

“When there are jobs where we have relations and relatives involved it’s important to remember that you don’t have to go to those jobs. When there’s a conflict of interest you can say: I can’t go to this one as that’s my aunty or uncle. The job understands and respects that.”

With just a few weeks left in her probation, Probationary Constable Ryder feels a sense of pride to stand here today as proof that you’re capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

“It’s been an amazing journey. I’ve had great mentors that I’ve looked up to and the teams that I’ve joined have really supported me.”

Aboriginal Recruitment

The WA Police Force offers an Aboriginal Cadet program open to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and is currently accepting applications.

You can make a difference by bringing your culture and stories to the WA Police Force.

Learn more